The Art of Active Listening for Leaders Podcast
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
The Art of Active Listening for Leaders
YouTube The Easy Guide to Servant Leadership
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
The Easy Guide to Servant Leadership
8 Ways to Be Present With Your Team Podcast
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
8 Ways to Be Present With Your Team
YouTube Why Consistency is King
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
Why Consistency is King
Tackling Toxic Culture as a Leader
In the gaming industry, there’s constant talk about toxicity. When problems arise, the justifications tend to pop up too: it’s a “boys club,” there’s an outdated mentality, the wrong people are being supported, and the ever-present “it’s always been that way.”
Eight Simple Tips to Beat Procrastination
I recently wrote about time management and one of my tips for getting your time under control was to “Just Start!” While I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of diving in head-first, sometimes “just starting” isn’t as easy as it sounds. If you’re someone
How Being a Game Master Makes You a Better Leader
I’ve recently fallen into my new role as game master for City of Mist, which is a tabletop RPG, or role-playing game (like Dungeons & Dragons) for those of you who don’t speak nerd. As I’ve been organizing and overseeing these City of Mist
6 Easy Ways to Find Mentors Podcast
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
6 Easy Ways to Find Mentors
The 3 Best Books for New Leaders Podcast
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
The 3 Best Books for New Leaders
YouTube 9 Gardening Lessons for Leadership
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
9 Gardening Lessons for Leadership
Why is Leading Hard?
“Being a leader is hard. It requires more thinking than I’m used to.” – Anonymous Client It’s true! Leadership is a whole different animal than what most of us are used to. Why is it so hard, though? Let’s look at some reasons.
10 Tips for Being an Awesome Leader
Everyone that blogs, works as a coach, or does any kind of advice-giving has a Top Ten List. I’m no exception. After blogging for quite a while now, I have amassed a treasure trove of lists, tips, and tricks to help you along your leadership journey.