Mentors Who Have Inspired Me
Mentor #2: OSHO
Last month, I posted an article about how to find a mentor, which inspired me to create a series of posts about my own mentors. The first installment was about the spiritual author Wayne Dyer. This post is also about a spiritual mentor with a series of books and meditations, but he is someone who I had the privilege of meeting and studying with in person: OSHO.
You might know him from his documentary on Netflix, but I know him from my time spent living in India. While there, I practiced and studied under OSHO and his disciples at a meditation retreat in Pune, but I had been reading his teachings for much longer. Not only does he have a great beard (I may be a bit biased here), but he’s a leader in unconventional thinking, not following the status quo, and getting to the root of who you are – not who society raised you to be. Want to learn more?
Here are 3 OSHO books I recommend:
The Book of Secrets:
This book is a great introduction to meditation. In it, OSHO lists 112 different types of meditation. Not only is it a comprehensive and practical guide, but it will help you find the style of meditation that’s right for you.
The Books I Have Loved:
While OSHO has never actually “written” a book (everything is transcribed from his speaking), he is extremely well-read. He’s also surprisingly humorous for a meditation guru. This book lists 168 titles, broken down into multiple lists of his “favorite books.”
Tao: The Pathless Path:
If you know me, you know that Taoism plays heavily into my leadership style, and this book provides a different perspective on being open to everything, attached to nothing. Tao: The Pathless Path is a great read if you’re looking to take a deeper dive into the philosophical side of things.
Want more OSHO? Follow me on Instagram for a new OSHO quote every Monday! Plus, get great tidbits from my other favorites throughout the week. And check out my podcast! for great tips from one of my other favorites, me!