
How NOT to Gain & Keep Trust as a Leader

How NOT to Gain & Keep Trust as a Leader

What happened to the team that kicked butt? Where did the flow go? It feels like nobody talks to each other anymore; at least in constructive ways. Everyone is guarded and suspicious. What went wrong and when?
Sound familiar?

7 Tips to Bring Out the Awesome in Your Employees

7 Tips to Bring Out the Awesome in Your Employees

One of my favorite things is finding and developing top talent, AKA unicorns. I’ve had the good fortune of discovering and training numerous unicorns throughout my career. Sometimes I helped prepare them for leadership roles,

The Importance of Uncomfortable Conversations

The Importance of Uncomfortable Conversations

As a leader, I don’t encourage criticism because it tends to be mostly negative and unproductive. That said, some of my most pivotal moments have come from uncomfortable conversations. I’m not talking about salary negotiations

The Importance of Empathy as a Leader

The Importance of Empathy as a Leader

Most people intrinsically think the world is centered around them. They also believe everyone else is constantly thinking or talking about them, but they aren’t – at least not that much. Truth is, we’re all too busy thinking about ourselves.

5 Simple Tips on Getting a Raise

5 Simple Tips on Getting a Raise

I’ve been approached many times by my employees, asking if we can have an uncomfortable conversation. It’s almost always about a raise. Here’s the thing: these are not uncomfortable conversations, at least for me.

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Press Start Leadership
How NOT to Gain & Keep Trust as a Leader
7 Tips to Bring Out the Awesome in Your Employees
Conversations With Christopher: Adam Kobler
10 Things a Leader Should Never Do
Conversations With Christopher: Adam Gerstin
5 Secrets to Unleash the Real You and More…
YouTube Conversations With Christopher: Adam Kobler
The Importance of Uncomfortable Conversations
YouTube Conversations With Christopher: Adam Gerstin
The Importance of Empathy as a Leader
5 Simple Tips on Getting a Raise
Conversations With Christopher: Jeremiah McCoy
Game-Changing Leadership