YouTube Conversations With Christopher: Brandes Stoddard
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we interview:
Brandes Stoddard
3 Steps to Deal With The Unexpected
The world is changing. See it in my coffee. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air conditioning. Much that once was remote is lost…drawn back to the office. Whether you are the one making the policies (and doing your best to make them work)
8 Ways to Be Present With Your Team
As a leader, it’s critically important that you’re present. If your team doesn’t feel like you’re there with them, they can feel leaderless. So, how does one be truly present for their team? A lot of leaders employ passive options like having an open-door policy
6 Easy Ways to Find Mentors
I like to believe everyone that enters into our life has something to teach us. In fact, we wouldn’t be who we are without everyone that crosses our path. Some people come into our lives to teach us smaller lessons, and others play more
Conversations With Christopher: Brandes Stoddard
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we interview:
Brandes Stoddard
The Simple Guide to Getting Your Ideas Off the Ground Podcast
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
The Simple Guide to Getting Your Ideas Off the Ground
Conversations With Christopher: Robin Bates
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we interview:
Robin Bates
Do Your Employees See You as a Villain?
What makes a good villain? Is it the perfect sneer? Perhaps a penchant for monologuing? Or is it something more subtle?
My Mentors: Wayne Dyer
I recently wrote an article about mentors and how they’re everywhere if you know where to look. One of the key points I made was that books are incredible tools and great stand-ins for real life mentors. In fact, one of my most influential mentors is someone
YouTube 6 Ways to be More Positive as a Leader
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
6 Ways to be More Positive as a Leader
YouTube Conversations With Christopher: Robin Bates
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we interview:
Robin Bates
YouTube What to Do After You Lose Your Job!
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
What to Do After You Lose Your Job!