Planning AND Retrospection Make A Great Leader
The other day I was thinking about times in my life when I had come up with the greatest responses ever. The problem was they were never sent. I came up with them hours, days, or sometimes weeks after the fact. I am always amazed at the power
A Better Alternative to Transparency Podcast
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
A Better Alternative to Transparency Podcast
3 Tips for Great Documentation Podcast
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
3 Tips for Great Documentation
Why Didn’t You Tell Me?
If you’ve been in Luke’s place before and wondering why you weren’t told something big, you are probably a victim of a complicated situation. If you haven’t seen the original Star Wars trilogy (Eps IV-VI), I highly recommend you go and watch it.
6 Simple Tips for Finding Your True Passion
When a man died in Ancient Greece, they didn’t write obituaries, they only asked one question, “Did he have passion?”… or at least that’s what they said in the movie Serendipity. While this may have only been movie magic and not historical truth,
5 Quick Time Management Tips
Mastering time management can help you become better prepared, build better meetings, and become a better leader. If you don’t have your time management
YouTube Are You a Prepared Leader?
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
AreYou a Prepared Leader?
Conversations With Christopher: Terry Cook
On this week’s episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we interview:
Terry Cook
YouTube Real Talk: Sometimes the Problem is You
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
What if the Problem is You?
My Mentors: Pat Flynn
In June, I posted an article about how to find a mentor, which inspired a series of posts about my own mentors. The first installment was about the spiritual author
Best Habits for Working from Home
The pandemic has changed many things for many people, including the way we work. As some of us begin transitioning back into the office, many companies are moving to a hybrid model or allowing folks to work from home indefinitely.
YouTube Conversations With Christopher: Terry Cook
On this week’s YouTube episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we interview:
Terry Cook