4 Reasons to Invest in Your Team
There’s an old office joke that goes like this:
CFO asks CEO: “What happens if we invest in developing our people and they leave us?”
CEO: “ What happens if we don’t, and they stay?”
Little Known Ways to Get Into the Game Industry
Many of the skills your current job requires are relevant in the game industry. Do you code? Build software? Are you in the entertainment industry? Are you a project manager? All of these things are relevant.
5 Simple Steps to Delegate Effectively
Delegating is one of the most important things you can do as a leader. It not only guarantees that your employees (and hence your business) continue to grow and thrive, but it also mitigates the company’s risk level.
7 Keys to Great Communication
Communication is the key to any relationship. We often talk about how important communication is when it comes to friendships, romantic relationships, and family dynamics. It’s just as important to
4 Ways to Be Good to Yourself
Creativity can be like throwing spaghetti against the wall. Sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn’t – and there are a number of reasons it might not. Sure, it may not be at the perfect al dente yet, but
How to Unearth Creative Ideas
Creativity can be like throwing spaghetti against the wall. Sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn’t – and there are a number of reasons it might not. Sure, it may not be at the perfect al dente yet, but
6 Easy Ways to Be More Positive
Positivity is powerful. I’m not talking about false optimism, or looking at life through rose-colored glasses. I mean the practice of positivity – learning to see your life in a more beneficial way,
3 Ways to Maximize Your Team’s Strengths
In gaming, it can be advantageous to maximize your character’s strengths while minimizing their weaknesses. In life, however, it can be more dangerous to ignore important traits that need development.
8 Tips For What To Do After You Lose Your Job
So, you’ve lost your job. Now what? Losing your job can feel like the end of the world, but it doesn’t have to. Here’s a list of steps you can take to help you gain a 1UP after you’ve been…
5 Tips For Working Abroad
My work in the gaming industry has allowed me to live in five different countries: Canada, the United States, India, Malta, and Poland. (Possibly six, if…
3 Reasons Why One-on-Ones Are Important!
In my opinion, one-on-one meetings are the most important thing a leader can do with their team…
3 Simple Tips For Leaders to Level-Up
“If you’re not learning, you’re dying.”
– Albert Einstein